Whom Can You Trust? Character, Competence, and Christ


Trust (noun): Assured reliance on the character, ability, or truth of someone or something. – Webster’s Dictionary

Character and competence – they’re the building blocks of trust. Ultimately it’s not the strength of our reliance that matters most, but the worthiness of the object in which our trust is placed.     

That means that even when you doubt, a trustworthy person/object will come through for you.

As followers of Christ, we believe that he alone is worthy of our ultimate trust: ‘Trust in the LORD with all your heart…’ (Prov. 3:5)

His approval before the Father is the ground of our confidence, and his redeeming love flowing through us – fueled by the gospel – helps others to trust us:

‘For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.’ 2 Cor. 5:14,15

Still, it is necessary to put a certain amount of trust in our institutions. We say this – acknowledging as one recent report concludes – that in the wake of a devastating global pandemic, significant job losses, and general social distrust of governments and the media—many societal institutions are currently scoring low on trust.

This should be a wake-up call, the report notes, for “our institutions to embrace a new way of effectively building trust: balancing competence with ethical behavior.”

Cloud Services and Trust

That shouldn’t be a revelation, but it is a good reminder. It always makes sense for ministries to be asking: “What can we do to engender trust?”

When it comes to cloud hosting for ministries, the practical “trust questions” are usually, “Who will keep our site (which is the center of our online presence) secure, and preserve uptime? What about applying ongoing security updates and patches? What if I have questions or concerns – can I trust someone to answer the phone?”

The answer should be clear: trust the company known for its character and demonstrated competence, with proven security expertise and dedicated, personal service. 

Truepath’s reputation comes with high marks on each score. But don’t just take our word for it – listen to what our customers are saying:

“Very professional, answered my questions in a way I could understand.” – M.P.

“A great experience – quite helpful!” – S.J

“Jake was wonderful. He saved me hours of relentless work. He went above and beyond. Thanks!!!” – M.

“The team is always super helpful!” – C.R.

“Thank you for your fast help. Awesome.” – T.P.

“Super helpful and quick!” – D.A.

and so on…

Proven Competence

Our hosted cloud solutions were designed by cloud experts with extensive security expertise. 

Nearly 25 years of proven IT competence is in your corner, offering fully optimized cloud solutions that have security and privacy designed-in.  

Proven Character

Our character also comes through, from the moment of first contact. We show it through personal, dedicated service that’s committed to earning your trust, and keeping your environment up and running, 24/7. 

We take this seriously, because a breach of data is a breach of trust. Why sacrifice the welfare and reputation of your ministry with an insecure solution?

You can trust Truepath to provide the safe communications & user experiences you expect! Our fully-managed security is designed to limit your liability and bring peace of mind!   


Truepath’s vision is to empower Christian organizations and businesses to take full advantage of their online presence by providing affordable and best-in-class applications and dedicated, live customer support. You can reach us at: (760) 480-8791.


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