Tim Keller on Hidden Christmas
A meditation to inspire your Christmas celebrations! “…deep in the human heart there are these desires—to experience the supernatural, to escape death, to know love that we can never lose, to not age but...

An Advent Meditation for 2022 and Beyond
The difference between you and God is that God doesn’t think He’s you. ...

Yes, You Too Can Build an Awesome Website, With Elementor!
I know what you’re thinking: “Build a website? We’re ministry leaders, Jim, not web designers! Oh, and did we mention that most of us are poor, too?” Do not let your hearts be troubled. ...

Leading with a Limp
by Stephen Trout Leaders are storytellers. They can’t help it. By virtue of their influential positions, their lives are on display – more than most. Through word, and especially example, they write a story...

Hearing with New Ears
by Stephen Trout Have you ever considered that, like your eyes and mouth (see Lk. 6:45), your ears have a wireless connection to your heart? Sound strange? It’s true. In fact, your “heart” –...

Seeing with New Eyes
by Stephen Trout It’s an odd (and humbling) thing to wake up and realize that the glasses you’ve relied on to see are suddenly blurry. Yesterday, they worked just fine; overnight, the darn things...

A Kingdom-Centered Website for Questioners – Part 2
by Stephen Trout Lauren Whitman’s daughter was excited about her class hike through a nature preserve – until her glasses disappeared. She’d hung them on her collar in order to peer through her...

A Kingdom-Centered Website for Questioners, Part 1
If there’s one thing that’s true of all of us – embedded deep in our hearts from creation – it’s that we ask questions. We ask because we’re not self-sufficient; we’re dependent creatures. We...

A Grace-full Reconsidering of your Ministry Website – Part 2
I have an older friend who watches a lot of Youtube videos, mostly about what’s wrong with the world. Sadly, he won’t be running out of videos anytime soon. The issues he covers run...

A Graceful Reconsidering of the Ministry Website
The problem with our assumptions, someone once noted, is that we tend to assume they’re true. (This, despite that old quip about what assuming does to you and me!) But if, as Einstein posited,...